
My favorite songs from Jake's videos

I had putted this video below once. but I've got to mention it again.
Because Brokeback Mountain is the best for me.
so I can't get enough of BBM!!

"You give me the wings to fly You are the clear blue sky
 I'm floating so free, so high Falling with grace, for you am I
 You give me the wings to fly."

I love this song very much. but I feel sad always when I hear it.
'Some times I miss you so much. I can hardly stand it...'


hmmm very beautiful. I have been watching these videos over and over again.
and I'm going to put more.

and I'm addicted to Jake.

"Pretty Boy" is so sweet song.

Wow Jake's Santa Dance!!

Too hot....

and I'm always looking it below when I need him.

You should watch this video when you feel sad. I'm sure it makes you smile!!

and finally
ジェイク プチ情報
David Ayer 監督の"End of Watch"という映画らしい。
この監督の作品にはDenzel Washingtonの"Training Day"というやはり警官ものがあって

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